Crash, Burn, Live, Learn

 Life is different for everyone.  Some have big loving families, small violent families, or isolate from any family. Family is our soul.  We begin life with people who’ve waited for and love us before they know us.  Their DNA is inside us, it is us and we are those families. Amazingly every human has a differing map, path, road, and in the end it’s all the same.  We crash, we burn, we live, we learn, and life is wonderful.
What happens in between is what matters.  From birth environment and genetics shape us into who we will become and how our stories unfold.  Will the baby smoke, drink, exercise, diet, laugh, smile, sing, no one really knows.  Hopefully that child has someone who loves them and cares for them throughout their lives.  Someone to show them the way life doesn’t have to be and how to choose a life to be proud of neither of which are easy.Along the way, that baby meet people outside of the family, goes to school, gets a job, and hopefully succeeds.  Sometimes that happens, really, just like the movies.  Other times, a million other things happen along their road of life.  They just fling from place to place, person to person, trying to find their way.  Those years of crashing, burning, living and learning are the most valuable. Without failure success isn’t as sweet.  Wisdom grows through mistakes, successes, relationships, and surprises.  We grow in how we deal with what life throws our way.  Running is not an answer.  Facing life is the best way to learn how to deal with it.

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